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Fad Diets

With Xmas out of the way and much over indulgence, a lot of people will turn to quick fixes to drop extra weight from over the festive period. Here’s a look at some issues raised with ‘Fad Diets’ or quick fix methods. A Fad is defined as a thing that becomes very popular in a short amount of time, and then is forgotten at about the same speed. Every week a new client comes through the door asking me if I have heard of and what do I think of the latest juicing diet? It seems to be human nature to be attracted to fad diets, which promise quick and easy results, but surely quick and easy results are better than no results, Right? Let’s examine fad dieting……. Why do fad diets become the rage? • Celebrity endorsements. • The promise of quick weight loss. • Peer pressure. If the diet promises that you will lose weight fast or involves crash dieting then I wouldn’t recommend these types of diets. The most important question about any weight-loss plan should not be whether it is effective, but whether it’s safe and healthy for you. Many fad diets work for a short period of time, usually causing you to drop pounds due to possibly unhealthy calorie reduction, water weight loss and or muscle atrophy. However, while you are reaping the benefits of your new quick weight-loss plan, you have to consider its overall nutritional makeup. Unfortunately, many fad diets do not meet the nutritional needs of most people. Here are some signs that a fad diet is not healthy for you: • Muscle cramps • Dizziness and fainting • Dehydration • Severe constipation or diarrhoea • Mood changes • Constant hunger The fact that these diets result in quick weight loss without meeting your nutritional needs can lead to regaining weight rapidly if you revert back to your old eating habits and, ultimately, to yo-yo dieting as is the case with most people. Psychologically this can make it harder to make the healthy changes needed for long-term weight loss. Only today a client told me that she was scared of eating more because she didn’t want to put weight back on. The reality of weight loss is that, in the long run, a slow and steady approach brings more lasting results than any quick weight loss fad. A healthy and balanced eating plan alongside an exercise regime is the only answer to long term success. For a balanced eating plan to be successful, your diet should include: • Plenty of fruit and vegetables. • A variety of whole grains (including breads, rice, pasta and potatoes). • Lean meat, fish and poultry. • Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. • A Limited amount of saturated fat and moderate total fat intake. • Avoid condiments. Do you still believe that quick and easy results are better than no results?


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