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Client of the season – Summer – Nick Morgan

Nick Morgan came to Bodypro in April 2016 with one single goal of challenging himself more. Nick regularly ran four miles a couple of times a week and went for a bike ride sporadically. Nick wanted to be fitter and to challenge himself more but need motivation and the right training to do so. Nicks initial assessments were pretty impressive, but there were a few areas that required improvement. Ben devised Nick a plan to improve his weaker aspects, which included reducing his Body fat, improving his shorter bursts of cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance. To achieve this ben recommended that Nick continue with his running and cycling and also introduced two circuit and/or resistance based sessions a week. One, which was to be completed at Bodypro and one, which nick had to complete in his own time at his local gym. Nicks sessions at Bodypro were tailored according to his fitness testing results and carefully designed and implemented to enable him to achieve his goals. Nicks sessions typically included some mobilisation work and some dynamic stretching followed by some intense cardiovascular intervals. The remaining time was spent concentrating on trying to progressively increase Nick’s strength and conditioning. Nick initially mentioned that one of his longer term goals was to complete an Iron man.  As you can image an iron man (Swim 3.86km Bike 180.25km and Run 42.20km) isn’t something you just go out and do on a Sunday afternoon so Ben decided to give Nick the challenge of completing a Olympic distance triathlon this year, which is a very good starting point for working towards an Iron man. Nick being Nick probably picked the hardest triathlon in the UK! He picked the Snowdonia Triathlon Festival, which is set in the Snowdonia National park. Nick’s Olympic distance Triathlon included a 1km swim, a 60km bike ride and a 10km run. So Ben set about devising a programme to get Nick from where he was to being able to complete the triathlon. A swimming session was added including intervals and a brick session where Nick would condition his legs to transition from the bike to a run with minimum fatigue. 6 weeks of training were undertaken on the new programme. Ben also alters the Bodypro sessions to work on more endurance based circuits. Nick was ready for his first Olympic distance triathlon. Prior to the Triathlon Ben decided to see what improvements have been made from Nicks initial session. Here are a selection of the tests Nick improved on. Major gains came on the bike and muscular endurance tests. Assessment30/4/1624/7/16Bodyfat22%19%Treadmill 1.6km run6.596.33Watt Bike MMP261w271wBP ME Test 40kg23r30rPull Up Test11 Reps16 Reps

On July 31st Nick Smashed it!!!! Completing his first Olympic distance triathlon on 4 hours 13 min and 59 sec. At Bodypro we thought Nicks journey from initial session to completing his first Olympic distance triathlon is worthy of recognition. Nick is our Summer client of the season. Congratulations Nick. Now the hard work starts 2017-18 iron man!!!!!!!! Nick training at Bodypro

Nick during the running section of the triathlon



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