Huge shoutout to our January client of the month @scottj8_
Scott's Bodypro journey started 3 months ago after he had recently made the jump to senior level semi-professional football. At the time he was finding the transition a challenging one, particularly the the physicality and demands of such level of football. As such our focus was to get him feeling strong, focusing on a strength building plan attending the gym along side his football commitments 2x per week. After just a few weeks we started to see his strength sky rocket and so did his confidence. Providing him with the belief he could compete at such a level and seeing his performances on the pitch go from strength to strength breaking into the first team.
All in all in the short time Scotts been with us we have seen him add around 4kg of lean mass whilst strength increases have gone up significantly. Seeing a 33.5kg increase on his squat 1 Rep Max, 10kg increase on his bench press and 10kg increase to his Deadlift.
Very excited to see where the next 3 months take us. Great work Scott.
