London Marathon The 45th London marathon takes place this weekend on 23rd April, where participants must run over 26 miles in as little time as possible and raise as much money for their chosen charity. This year we have 3 of our clients running and have all been training hard regularly at Bodypro in preparation. Simon Gauge is running his second marathon this year after a very successful run last year. Simon was the second highest fund raiser last year and is not stopping there. This year he is attempting to break a world record and raise money for GOSH and MacMillan Cancer Support. He is attempting to complete the marathon inside a model aircraft with 3 others. In order to break the world record, they must beat 5:25:02. He has been taking part in conditioning sessions and running 5-6 hours week to compliment his running and has had no injuries this year to stand in his way. Tehira Choudry-Din is running her first marathon this year and is raising money for Get kids going. Tehira takes part in resistance and conditioning sessions, working on strength and general fitness to improve her running. She has also been running with a few of her trainers, building up to 32Km. She had a slight set back in the middle of her training, falling over while out running, leaving herself with some serious cuts and bruises. Since then she has had some issues with cramping and muscles tightness but nothing a good sports massage couldn’t fix. Audrey Walker is also running her first marathon this year raising money for NSPCC in the process. Audrey has struggled with injuries throughout her training, including a slipped disc in her back and plantar fasciitis in her foot. Not ideal injuries for running! Nevertheless she has persevered with it and carried on with her training, running 5km once a week and anything up to 13 miles once a week. In the recent weeks, Audrey has been doing 90 minute training session here at Bodypro, focusing on improving her endurance through lower impact exercise including rowing and cycling. She has also been working on improving mobility and injury prehab/rehab exercises. There is no under estimating the size of the challenge these guys are about to face, and there is no doubting the commitment and effort put in by all three of them in the build up to the event. We wish them all the best and hope that they can achieve the targets set by themselves, or in Simons’ case bring home a Guinness world record. Good Luck!
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